About Us
Te Kahui Atawhai O Te Motu Inc is the national body for approved lwi National providers in New Zealand. We provide a range of services to our members located throughout New Zealand.
We represent members interests at local and national government level. The idea for a Maori Social Service gained support at a conference held at Wahiao Marae, Rotorua in 2000 and was further endorsed at a National Hui at the Department of Child, Youth and Family’s ‘Future Search’ conference in 2001.
In 2002 a feasibility study was conducted to consider the practicalities of setting up a national body for lwi and Maori social services. This was followed by a hui at Turangawaewae marae attended by over 100 representatives and from there Te Kahui Atawhai O Te Motu was born.
The vision of Te Kahui Atawhai O Te Motu Inc is:
Ko te rangatiratanga o te whanau, te hapu, te iwi me nga Maori katoa te poutahuhu o te kahui e ahei ana ki te tautoko kia kokia nga wawata o nga roopu Maori nga iwi e atawhai ana.
The conceptual translation of this is: “A collective voice to empower the holistic well-being of all Maori.”
The Mission statement of Te Kahui Atawhai O Te Motu Inc is:
Ko te amorangi ki mua ko te hapi ki muri
This translates as: “God is the spearhead and the back will follow”.

Capability Mentoring
Te Kahui Atawhai O Te Motu (TKATOM) has over 10 years experience in delivering capability development. This includes facilitating 100 Organisational Assessments, facilitating development plans, monitoring and coaching.
We provide nationwide Capability Mentoring, from the top of the North Island to the bottom of the South Island.
Te Kahui Atawhai O Te Motu will work alongside your organisation to complete an organisational capability self-assessment and/or develop an organisational capability development plan.
Working together we will develop the organisational capabilities, to ensure we have strong adaptable integrated social sector organisations.
Te Kahui Atawahi o Te Motu services may include:
• working through the MSD Organisational Capability Self-Assessment Tool with the chief executive/manager and senior staff
• working with your organisation’s Board
• working with your staff
• talking with clients and community representatives
• utilisation of Maori analogies
• understanding Maori context and environment
• this work could also include kaumatua

Our Logo
Te Moko o Te Kahui Atawhai O Te Motu – The TKAOTM logo, is principally based on the simplicity of a waka. The inner form of the waka outlined in red, black and white presents the subtle forging of tino rangatiratanga and an emergence of kotahitanga represented by the distinctive black curved lines.
The koru is internationally symbolic of Maori culture, with the outspread hands depicting ownership, responsibility and accountability. The koru formations at the base of the hands portray faith, hope and love.
The more intricate inner bottom design reveal sharp black lines of the waka, which emanate mauri ora – life force from the centre being of the waka.
The mirrored outspread hands of the waka illustrate the concept of caring – “A Child – A Seed”. The inverted koru signifies the seed (idea) and that its growth and journey are in the hands of the “creator”, dependent upon our commitment to succeed. This symbol represents a framework that is accountable to all levels and dimensions of its elements and is responsive to Maori values and aspirations.
Logo designed by Dion Hutana, Ngati Kahungunu
Contact Us
25 Taiaho Place
Mount Maunganui 3116
(07) 578 4002
(027) 654 6878
© Te Kahui Atawhai o Te Motu 2019